Focus of Quantum Stage
Performance capture, also widely known as motion capture, is a tracking method in which movements are recorded, analysed and processed. This method offers an enormous application potential and is indispensable in areas such as clinical research, performance diagnostics, object tracking but also animation and virtual reality.
Quantum Stage is based in the animation / virtual reality world and covers a wide range of tasks. It starts with pre-production, extends through production to post-production and includes the entire technical set-up. The following tasks are specifically covered:
– Planning the shooting
– Crew support, talent acquisition / training
– Props and preparation of the scenery
– Preparing characters and virtual sets for real-time previews
– State-of-the-art motion capture volume (40 m2, 8 x 5 metres, ceiling height of 3.7 metres)
– Motion capture of up to 5 actors simultaneously
– Reference videos, multiple angles
– Performance capture (body, face, fingers and audio for up to two actors)
– Data acquisition and recording of all systems involved
– Troubleshooting and quality assurance
– Sort and prepare data
– Data collection and cleansing
– Retargeting
– Movement editing
– Real-time rendering and previz (Unity, Unreal)
– True-to-life optical tracking with Vicon cameras
– Inertial tracking with Perception Neuron Studio (Xsens systems available on request)
– Realistic finger tracking with Strechsense gloves
– Face recognition with iPhone / ARKit and Facegood
– Wireless sound recording
– Greenscreen
– Tracked 4K Reference Video Camera
– Stage props, stunt mats and various rigging material
– 10 GBit/s Internet upload for remote productions
– Cloud data server for post-production