Movement Laboratory Bern University of Applied Sciences
The Bern University of Applied Sciences is concerned with the Neuromuscular adaptations of the lower extremity due to pathologies (orthopaedic clinical pictures) and interventions (training, therapy, aids, etc.).
They are, for example:
- Female pelvic floor: Neuromuscular control of the Pelvic floor in functional situations and development of new therapeutic options.
- Ortho Team: Gait and functional analysis in children with Infantile cerebral palsy (ICP) for the adaptation and optimisation of orthopaedic aids.
Her patients mainly include People with orthopaedic complaints, patients with incontinence, healthy people (recreational athletes, athletes).
The laboratory is run jointly by three partners, the Bern University of Applied Sciences, the Institute for Physiotherapy of the Inselspital in Bern and Ortho-Team AG from Bern. This partnership makes it possible to work on a wide range of interdisciplinary issues. In addition to scientific questions, quality assurance measures and tool developments can be advanced together with the practice.