Institute for Sports Science – Department of Training and Movement Sciences

Our research focuses on the interaction of the neural and musculoskeletal systems, their adaptation through mechanical loading and their influence on human performance, movement control and movement safety.

The focus is on quantifying the neuro-biomechanical potential of humans and to investigate its influence on locomotion in everyday life and in sport. With this in mind, the department is also researching the role of sporting activity in preventing injuries and maintaining quality of life in people in the elderly or with chronic illnesses.

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Plasticity of muscles and tendons

The aim of this research project is to elucidate the interaction between the training stimulus and the individual adaptation potential of the muscle-tendon unit and the biological mechanisms involved. To this end, experimental cross-sectional and longitudinal studies will be conducted. Independent mechanical stimuli in the form of training stimuli are systematically analysed and their mechanical effect on the muscle and tendon quantified. This will provide new insights into the individual temporal sequence of adaptation processes following defined mechanical stimuli in order to predict the effect of complex training stimuli on the structural adaptation of muscle and tendon.

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