The MIRMI research laboratory for robotics, perception and artificial intelligence investigates and attempts to answer questions relating to human biomechanics, neuromechanics and sensorimotor functions.
The Digital Health Lab at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten is researching how digital technologies in gait and movement analysis and rehabilitation can add value to clinical practice.
The research spectrum at IfADo ranges from psychological-neuroscientific research into human information processing to the design of ageing-friendly workplaces.
The high-tech equipment enables measurements of 3D movement sequences, dynamic loads on the skeleton and control mechanisms of the muscles in combination.
Through the usage of diverse Vicon cameras and softwares, force plates as well as IMU sensors, the lab offers a versatility of analysis at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.
We are now the largest university of applied sciences in Austria. As one of our highlights, we have a movement laboratory that is also used for research.