The MIRMI research laboratory for robotics, perception and artificial intelligence investigates and attempts to answer questions relating to human biomechanics, neuromechanics and sensorimotor functions.
The research spectrum at IfADo ranges from psychological-neuroscientific research into human information processing to the design of ageing-friendly workplaces.
At the Institute of Movement and Neurosciences we try to understand the interaction between the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system and the control of movement by the neural system during everyday and sports activities.
Through the usage of diverse Vicon cameras and softwares, force plates as well as IMU sensors, the lab offers a versatility of analysis at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.
The reduction of the tracking volume to few cubic meter enables the tracking of retroreflective marker to around 1/100m exact during static pose.
Logistics is much more than transportation of goods and commodities. Intralogistics systems and processes can be planned, tested and evaluated much better by using virtual reality.